Getting notify-send to Work in Cron-Jobs and Over SSH on Linux Mint 17/18 Cinnamon
Add this little bit of code to your script:
Add this little bit of code to your script:
This works great on the Asus Zenbook! I have a Surface Pro 2 which has a relatively dense, 10-inch 1080p screen. It hurts my eyes to look at individual UI elements and text without dpi scaling. On Windows, everything is … Continued
Something I came across from this page It’s a pretty awesome way to quickly record and playback macros. Install xmacro using this guy: sudo apt-get install xmacro And then to record, bind a keyboard shortcut like CTRL-F7 to this: … Continued
Edit the file /usr/share/mysql-workbench/data/main_menu.xml and find or add lines. You’ll need to restart MySQL Workbench for the changes to take affect. I’ve modified the next/previous tab shortcuts: Edit: Apparently it’s C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench x.x\data\ for Windows users. Thanks/Source!
Modify your server IP and player ID as needed: It’s run in my Crontab to restart the player because of wierd audio buffering issues.
So you can do stuff like: Or, Taken from the Types of Events on Stripe’s API.
For my own reference (and so whoever might find them useful). Sometimes just MySQL and sometimes in Laravel-esican. Nullable integer column: Order numerically, except with NULL last Source: MySQL SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY ISNULL(field), field ASC; Laravel … Continued
In GMail Settings: Untick Labels->All Mail->”Show in IMAP”. That is all.
Quick one-liner to read in Redshift’s current transition period value and assign it to a variable. (Redshift adjusts the color temperature of your screen when it gets dark.) Or assign to a variable:
When working on a Laravel project, I needed a quick way to seed in some random (but still coherent) sentences. The ultimate for PHP/Laravel projects is fzaninotto’s Faker, which can generate everything, from addresses to credit cards. If you’re in … Continued