Something I came across from this page
It’s a pretty awesome way to quickly record and playback macros. Install xmacro
using this guy:
sudo apt-get install xmacro
And then to record, bind a keyboard shortcut like CTRL-F7 to this:
timeout 120 bash -c 'notify-send "Recording macro; press ESC to stop" ; xmacrorec2 -k 9 > ~/.last_xmacro ; notify-send "Recording macro finished; use F7 to play it"'
Use ESC to stop recording!
And to playback, bind F7 to this:
bash -c 'notify-send "Playing back macro on $DISPLAY" ; xmacroplay "$DISPLAY" < ~/.last_xmacro'
To fine tune, you can edit the ~/.last_macro file using the xmacro syntax, including adding in some Delay [sec]