Kohana HTTPS Bug Fix When Trying to Output Using Certain Built-in Static Methods

Many of Kohana’s built-in static methods for getting stuff like HTML::styles unfortunately has a bug when trying to output to a server with HTTPS.

The problem can be traced back to URL::base, which doesn’t properly spit out the right protocol even if the initial request points to it.

The solution is to replace the URL::base method in system/classes/kohana/url.php with the following:

	 * Gets the base URL to the application.
	 * To specify a protocol, provide the protocol as a string or request object.
	 * If a protocol is used, a complete URL will be generated using the
	 * `$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']` variable.
	 *     // Absolute URL path with no host or protocol
	 *     echo URL::base();
	 *     // Absolute URL path with host, https protocol and index.php if set
	 *     echo URL::base('https', TRUE);
	 *     // Absolute URL path with host and protocol from $request
	 *     echo URL::base($request);
	 * @param   mixed    $protocol Protocol string, [Request], or boolean
	 * @param   boolean  $index    Add index file to URL?
	 * @return  string
	 * @uses    Kohana::$index_file
	 * @uses    Request::protocol()
	public static function base($protocol = NULL, $index = FALSE)
		// Start with the configured base URL
		$base_url = Kohana::$base_url;
		if ($protocol === TRUE)
			// Use the initial request to get the protocol
			$protocol = Request::$initial;
		if ($protocol instanceof Request)
			if ( ! $protocol->secure())
				// Use the current protocol
				list($protocol) = explode('/', strtolower($protocol->protocol()));
				$protocol = 'https';
		if ( ! $protocol)
			// Use the configured default protocol
			$protocol = parse_url($base_url, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
		if ($index === TRUE AND ! empty(Kohana::$index_file))
			// Add the index file to the URL
			$base_url .= Kohana::$index_file.'/';
		if (is_string($protocol))
			if ($port = parse_url($base_url, PHP_URL_PORT))
				// Found a port, make it usable for the URL
				$port = ':'.$port;
			if ($domain = parse_url($base_url, PHP_URL_HOST))
				// Remove everything but the path from the URL
				$base_url = parse_url($base_url, PHP_URL_PATH);
				// Attempt to use HTTP_HOST and fallback to SERVER_NAME
				$domain = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
			// Add the protocol and domain to the base URL
			$base_url = $protocol.'://'.$domain.$port.$base_url;
		return $base_url;

The updated URL::base is from Kohana 3.2’s git. The updated url.php file is here.